Parenting Magazine

"Share the news quickly and cutely"
Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine

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¿Estáis embarazados?

Comunica de forma bonita el nacimiento de tu hijo, desde el hospital y con tu iPhone. ¡Crear y enviar tarjetas de nacimiento personalizadas es sencillo, rápido y divertido!

Announce your baby’s arrival in style directly from your iPhone! With bambinapp, creating and sharing your personalized birth announcement e-card is easy, quick, and fun ! available on the App Store

Colecciones disponibles

  • Niña
  • Niño
  • Gemelos

Requiere : iPod touch, iPhone 3G, 3GS or 4 with iOS 4.2 o más reciente

Te van a encantar

  • Selección de 30 modelos para hacer participaciones personalizadas de nacimiento, de los cuales 4 son gratis.
  • Existe la posibilidad de comprar otros modelos para niña, niño o gemelos
  • Posibilidad de integrar una foto de su bebé tomada en vivo o del álbum de fotos
  • Paginación automática de las participaciones elegidas con la información del nacimiento, asegurando un resultado visualmente adecuado !
  • Comparta la participación (e-mail, MMS, Facebook.)
Announce your baby’s arrival in style directly from your iPhone! With bambinapp, creating and sharing your personalized birth announcement e-card is easy, quick, and fun ! available on the App Store

Gracias por sus reseñas

Great app ★★★★★
"Love this app! It was perfect for sharing the news on the birth of our daughter. Everyone was so impressed with how it looked and worked."
by Lfcmom
Best app in its category ! ★★★★★
"Lovely templates, easy-to-use, no bugs."
by JackMaluru
"Best one!! Simple to use and no bugs. ★★★★★
I downloaded maybe 4 apps and this was the best one. It was simple to use and bug free. I was able to text the picture, email and post on Facebook."
by Hython2000
Announce your baby’s arrival in style directly from your iPhone! With bambinapp, creating and sharing your personalized birth announcement e-card is easy, quick, and fun ! available on the App Store


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